

  • NIAONiao is a free sining voice synthesizer application。Singing voice can be created by editing the lyrics(Chinese pinyin) and melody(pitch and length).
  • The built-in algorithm is optimized for Chinese to attract amateur users,while some parameters are provided for professional user.
  • The software is mainly consist of two parts: an editor and a synthesizer. A self-made voice library is also supported. As we the lack of the time, the current version does not guarantee the quality of the self-made library.
  • The development of this software started in June, 2011and it is in progress currently. The first version is planned to release in this August. The author - dsound is devoting himself to making good software(of same kinds in other countries) for Chinese.


  • OS: Windows only.
  • Recommended specs:Windows XP2/VISTA/7,Pentium 4, 512MB RAM


  • NIAONiao is a free software for all users to use.
  • Copyright (c) 2011 dsound.


  • If you think this software is helpful for you, please donate to support NIAONiao development.
  • All donations to NIAONiao will be used to fund the development.


  • The uses do not have to notice me before publishing the singing voice synthesized by this software. However, the uses should get the permission from the voice library maker or obey the permission notice of the voice library.
  • The users should be responsible for the their works. Please be aware of the copyright problem of cover songs.
  • The voice library makers should be responsible for their libraries. The makes do not have to notice me before publishing their voice libraries.
  • Using the tile of NIAONiao for commercial use is strictly prohibited. The users should contact me before their commercial use.